The recipe is sold by Evie Whirlbrew in Winterspring at Everlook. 285 - 300Ģ0 x Major Healing Potion - 40 Golden Sansam, 20 Mountain Silversage, 20 Crystal Vial (or buy it from the AH) It's possible you already bought it when you trained Expert Alchemy, so check your inventory first. It's a limited supply item, so just keep checking until it's back "in stock" if someone bought it before you. The recipe is sold by Ulthir in Darnassus and by Algernon in Undercity. 210 - 265ĥ x Elixir of Greater Defense - 5 Steelbloom, 5 Goldthorn, 5 Leaded Vialġ5 x Superior Healing Potion - 15 Sungrass, 15 Khadgar's Whisker, 15 Crystal VialĤ5 x Elixir of Detect Undead - 45 Arthas' Tears, 45 Crystal Vialģ0 x Superior Mana Potion - 60 Sungrass, 60 Blindweed, 30 Crystal Vial Horde players can learn Artisan Alchemy from Rogvar in Swamp of Sorrows at Stonard.Īlliance players can learn it from Kylanna Windwhisper in Feralas at Feathermoon Stronghold. Games based on this concept either have the player exhaust all possible combinations or until a list of elements has been discovered. (Requires character level 35) Not every Alchemy trainer will teach you this skill, you will need to find a Master Alchemist. You can only train Alchemy past 225 if you learn Artisan Alchemy. It's a limited supply item, so it can take a while to respawn when someone else purchases the recipe before you. Recipe: Nature Protection Potion is sold by these vendors. If you don't have any Goldthorn at all, you can make Nature Protection Potion between 190-215 If you don't have that many Goldthorn, make Mana Potion or Lesser Invisibility Potion up to around 195.

If you made Fire Oil, you can use it to make Elixir of Firepower 185 - 210ģ0 x Elixir of Agility - 30 Stranglekelp, 30 Goldthorn, 30 Leaded Vial 155 - 185ģ5 x Greater Healing Potion - 35 Liferoot, 35 Kingsblood, 35 Leaded Vial You could also continue to make more Healing Potion.
Make Fire Oil if you don't have Stranglekelp or if Firefin Snapper is cheap. Now that you know how to make oil refinery in Alchemy Classic, and what combinations you can create with it, you are all set to start this fun process If you are looking for more information on all the other Alchemy Classic elements and how to use them, be sure to check out our other tutorials. This recipe will be yellow for the last 10 points, so you might have to make a few extra. (or buy it from the AH) 140 - 155Ģ0 x Lesser Mana Potion - 20 Mageroyal, 20 Stranglekelp, 20 Empty Vial Recipe to buyīuy the Recipe: Superior Mana Potion before you leave Darnassus / Undercity! You will need this recipe later at 265, so you can save some time if you buy it now while you are already close to the NPCs who sell it. Alliance players can learn it from Ainethil in Darnassus.

Horde players can learn Expert Alchemy from Doctor Herbert Halsey in Undercity. (Requires character level 20) Not every Alchemy trainer will teach you this skill, you will need to find an Artisan Alchemist. You can only train Alchemy past 150 if you learn Expert Alchemy. Lilyssia Nightbreeze in Stormwind City.Ħ5 x Lesser Healing Potion - 65 Minor Healing Potion, 65 Briarthornģ5 x Healing Potion - 35 Bruiseweed, 35 Briarthorn, 35 Leaded Vial.I added 10-20 extra herbs for most of these recipes, but it's still possible you will have to get a few more if you have the worst luck. There are a lot of yellow recipes used in the guide which means you won't gain skill points every single time. It will help you to reach level 60 a lot faster. I recommend trying Zygor's 1-60 Leveling Guide if you are still leveling your character or just starting a new alt. Check out my Classic Herbalism leveling guide 1-300 if you want to level herbalism. Use this guide to search and jump from element to elements.This Classic WoW Alchemy Leveling guide will show you the fastest way how to level your Classic Alchemy skill up from 1 to 300 as inexpensively as possible.Īlchemy is the best combined with Herbalism, with these two you can save a lot of gold because you don't have to buy the herbs from the Auction House. Welcome to the easiest tool to help you with Alchemy Classic and Alchemy Classic HD answers.